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American Bittern 2, Photo credit

Sandhill Crane, Leslie Morris

White-faced Ibis, Leslie Morris

Marsh Wren

American Avocet 2, Leslie Morris

Black-necked Stilt 3

Red-winged Blackbird 3

Cattle Egret, Jim Morris

Great Blue Heron, Leslie Morris

Great Egret, Leslie Morris


Green Heron, Leslie Morris
This close relationship between the Foundation and the California Rice Commission brings a significant number of California rice growers to the table who are willing to alter their farming practices for the benefit of waterbirds. In addition, cooperative contributions from many waterbird conservation partners bring forward key technical expertise which insures that waterbird habitat enhancement projects will be successfully deployed.
Through over a decade of work to develop and refine beneficial waterbird practices, the Foundation now has a working model for receiving private and public financial contributions and efficiently putting these dollars right onto the ground in real, quantifiable waterbird conservation programs.
Check Out Our Articles
Waterbird and Foundation Articles

An exciting new project in California rice has us out counting bird nests these days. Ever wonder how this is done?


Autumn Arrivals: The Onset of Migratory Birds
The onset of autumn in the Sacramento Valley brings the promise of impending relief from hot weather along with hints of radiant fall foliage, as well as the first arrivals of migrating shorebirds, waterbirds, raptors and songbirds that are here only seasonally.

Nature Photography Tips
Professional wildlife photographer Leslie Morris and her husband, Jim — an advanced amateur photographer — suggest techniques that can help any waterbird enthusiast bring home impressive photos.

Stay Wild: The Epic Grind
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THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES LIVE IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY California rice fields have become increasingly important surrogate wetlands habitat for many wildlife species, including large numbers of migratory waterbirds, wading birds and shorebirds traversing the Pacific Flyway. Many special-status avian species, including some that are threatened, have adapted to cultivated ricelands for rest, feeding and […]
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